Intern Diary: Nick

With me only having a few days left in my internship for JMG Public Relations, I've been constantly reflecting on my time with the company. It was only a few months ago that I was sitting in a meeting for my fraternity, taking notes, when I received word through text message about the internship. It was only a day later when I interviewed for the internship position, and a day after that I started my

Through my time as an intern, I learned how to do a lot in the world of Public Relations, especially with this being my first experience in the industry. When it comes to the most important thing I learned however, I believe it's necessary to ask questions. When you're starting off with something new, you're not going to be an expert, and therefore asking questions helps you to learn.

Additionally, it is amazing how close the company is, despite the fact it is a virtual internships. This is seen through daily End of Day and "Sip the Tea" meetings, which give many opportunities to the interns. These opportunities allow the interns to speak about what they worked on that day, as well as what's going on in the world and media respectively.

Going forward, thanks to JMG PR, I can very easily see myself pursuing a career in Public Relations. Therefore I send thanks to the JMG team for everything they've done and taught me this semester, and recommend that if you ever get the chance to participate in this internship, don't hesitate.


Intern Diary: Amariah