Intern Diary: Sarah
Over these past couple months of interning for JMG PR, I’ve learned a variety of things, such as creating press clippings, navigating through Muckrack, creating Instagram posts (probably the most nerve-racking task), and managing my time. I also enjoyed working with Kristen and Erika who helped me through the intern process and taught me so much about PR. I have to say, some of my favorite memories were whenever we had “sip the tea” and whenever I got new tasks. Sip the tea was always fun to just share and listen to new gossip, because who doesn’t love that? I also really enjoyed getting projects I’ve never participated in before such as working with new clients and doing competitive analyses. I thought that was really fun and spiced up the day.
Listening to our clients go through interviews was interesting too because not only did I learn more about creating press clippings, but I also got to learn more about our clients. I enjoyed helping on creating Instagram giveaways even though it did make me nervous if it wasn’t going to be aesthetically pleasing enough. However, it always ended up good and it was exciting to see the posts actually posted on our clients page. Lastly, I really enjoyed how the JMG team was always so helpful and connected, it made becoming an intern so much more comfortable. I hope to do future work with the JMG PR team!