Intern Diary: Natasha
I learned about JMG PR in July 2021 through one of their posts for aspiring PR pros. After a quick dive into their feed, I decided to follow the page and keep up with the company. Fast forward to May 2023, I applied to be a summer intern.
These past few months interning for JMG PR have been a dream. I learned how to use MuckRack efficiently and draft press releases and briefing memos. At first, I was nervous and felt behind because I started slightly later than everyone else. While I was getting into the swing of things, everyone seemed to know what they were doing. My account executive, Kristen, was very helpful during this time because she reassured me that I was on track.
She walked me through how to do things and did demos with me to make sure I was comfortable with the processes of things before I did them by myself. Kristen was also always a Slack message away whenever I had questions.
My favorite part by far, has been our daily ‘Sip the Tea’ sessions. It was really fun to get to know what everyone is into in terms of music and other media. I also really enjoyed learning about different client industries through my tasks. I am so thankful for all the wisdom, advice, and experience I have received this summer.