Intern Diary: Kristen

I first discovered JMG PR when Jenna was a guest speaker at one of the Auburn PRSSA meetings I was attending. Intrigued by her profound insights and expertise in the field of public relations, I delved into JMG’s feed and found their content equally informative and engaging. However, what truly captivated me was their clear emphasis on highlighting their interns through engaging feature spotlights and other fun posts. This content allowed me to envision myself as an intern at JMG, providing insight into their welcoming work environment.

Throughout the internship application process, I truly had my heart set on JMG PR. I wanted to work under Jenna and the company which I believed had so much expertise to offer. After being offered a spring internship, I was both overjoyed and slightly anxious about what was going to be expected of me as a first-time intern. Although I believed my classes at Auburn had prepared me well, I was truly nervous to begin my internship, fearing I would be far behind the other interns who might have already had real-world experience. However, that could not have been farther from the truth.

The account executives and coordinators at JMG PR were incredibly welcoming. They thoroughly explained each of my tasks and assured me they would support me throughout the entire semester. I felt comfortable approaching anyone at JMG PR for help and never hesitated to ask questions. I felt challenged, but never overwhelmed.

The culture at JMG PR is truly so unique, and it starts at the top. One of the most important lessons I learned through this experience came from Jenna, who reminded us as interns, “This is PR not ER.” Mistakes are inevitable. It is important that we correct and learn from them, but that we do not dwell on these incidents. I enjoyed our sip the tea sessions where we talked about celebrity gossip and I could get a little insight into everyone's personalities and interests.

Reflecting on this semester, I have seen tremendous growth in my writing, communication and critical thinking skills. I learned to navigate new software, draft press releases, build media lists and how to form mutually beneficial relationships between clients and journalists. I truly believe this was the most beneficial thing I could have done for my career in PR. As I enter senior year and begin applying for jobs, I have a newfound confidence in my skills as a PR professional.

I want to thank everyone at JMG PR for all of their help and for making my first internship so impactful. I am inspired by all of the women at JMG PR and am only more excited to begin my career in the field of public relations. I want to extend a special thank you to my former account executive, Erika and to Ryleigh. Both of these women taught me invaluable skills and the importance of perseverance in the workforce, and I deeply admire them both.


Intern Diary: Raegan


Intern Diary: Amy