Intern Diary: Katie
At the end of May, I stumbled upon a last minute internship opening at JMG and I immediately sent in my application. Little did I know, two days later I would be joining a team made up of talented and intelligent boss women! Working at JMG Public Relations this summer was an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Over the past three months I have gained so much insight into the world of agency PR. Although the internship was fully remote, there was a strong sense of community built through daily Zoom calls, Slack messaging, “Sip the Tea” sessions, and much more.
As a social media intern, I curated and posted daily stories and feed posts that would engage our audience. I learned early on that understanding your audience and the content they will interact with is much easier said than done! During my time here I hosted two giveaways and was able to create engaging content for our clients. I loved creating relatable, motivating and fun content everyday - some of my favorites were ‘This or That’ NYC Polls, Monday Affirmations and motivating mid-week quotes. Being able to use your own creative spin on content that is shared with 20k followers is a surreal experience!
On top of creating content and boosting engagements, I was able to work on PR projects for our clients. This allowed me to work with my fellow interns and the entire team! Whether that was creating media lists, briefing documents, pitching and/or competitive analysis research, I was excited to hop on any project sent my way! Considering that this was my first agency experience, I was able to gain so much knowledge on our clientele and their PR needs.
I am forever grateful for my time at JMG Public Relations. Working with the close knit JMG PR team is an experience that I will cherish forever. I will miss seeing this team every day, but know that our relationships are lifelong!